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Friday, February 19, 2010

120 Hours Worth of a 24 hour Virus

Your probably wondering how we managed to make a 24 hour virus last that long. Well, when you have 5 people that catch it, it adds up. We started with Ruth and Hannah getting sick Sunday night. They were sick all Monday. Hannah has deemed "spit-up" as her least favorite word and if anyone says it. She grumbles. I went ahead and took them with me to my doctor's appointment hoping that they were getting over it. Hannah wound up spitting-up in a bucket she brought with her in the car.

Then Tuesday, they were feeling a bit better but Jonathan got sick sometime Tuesday night.
So I had more sheets to wash on Wednesday.

Then Wednesday night Joshua "spit-up" in the bathroom sink. Then that night he spit-up in his bed which meant more sheets for me to wash. Also on Wednesday night Jonathan "spit-up" in his car seat. Then once we arrived home, he spit-up on my lap and on the floor at my feet. I'm not sure if he was more disturbed at spitting up on me, or just the fact that he "spit-up".

The kids were starting to feel some better on Thursday, but then sadly it was my turn. Thankfully I never did spit-up but I had another problem which lasted through Wed. night and all day Thursday. My stomach was in such sad shape that I couldn't eat much of anything. We all knew once we got to feeling better we'd be starved. The kids were perkier on Thursday, but I had to sleep the whole day, with brief bathroom breaks and breaks to solve problems for the kids. They got to watch a lot of veggietales. I was too tired to make them do much else.

Today, I woke up and told Scott, "I'm hungry!!" I was so happy to be feeling better. I'm still tired but I hadn't had the stomach troubles I had yesterday. The kids all greeted me with the same excitement this morning. "Mom, I feel much better!" Then came all the requests for all the foods they thought they could eat for breakfast. I decided to go easy and fixed them Cinnamon Toast.

Wednesday night, I called my Mom to thank her for all the times she cleaned up after me and my brother, and sister. If you haven't called and thanked your mom lately you should.

We're on the mend now. I just hope it ends here and that Scott doesn't have to go through it.

It sure has been a long week.

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