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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Getting Ready to Fly!

I'm working on some changes to my writing goals. I really do plan to write more often. I have been getting back to the love of writing.

If you noticed over the years my blog has been changing. It went from my writing about things that touched me in some way to trying to keep up with what is going on in my life right now.

I found that it's easier for me to just post short bits about my family on Facebook. It seems a bit repetitive to post those same things on my blog. It's hard to blog about every detail of my life while trying to live it. (Like right now, I'm blogging while feeding my baby.)

I have been learning a lot about blogging and other forms of writing through a writing course that I am taking. You'll probably be seeing quite a few of my writing assignments on here. I feel I'll be killing two birds with one stone that way.

Eventually I would like to start blogging under my own domain name and having an email newsletter with exclusive non-blog stuff. I just need to work this part out.

I'm hoping to be able to start this new endeavor by the New Year. It's a work in progress right now. You can help me by letting me know honestly what you like or don't like about my blog posts and what I write. Your feedback can help me as I prepare to move forward with some exciting new changes. You'll probably start seeing some little changes from time to time. Feel free to leave me a comment when you notice something new that you like or don't like. :-)

I'm also working on a special Christmas present for everyone.

Please help me out as I spread my wings to fly!

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Moving Mountains

What would I say in just 15 minutes? If I were to just start writing to see where my thoughts go, where all would I travel. This is just me thinking to myself.

Did you know that I write in my head? Yes, that's a little fact about me that very few people know. If there is something that bothers me, I immediately start thinking about what I would write if I could post that in a blog. Writing for me is therapeutic.

When my children say or do something funny, I write it down. If I am worried, I write. If I am angry, I write.

Sometimes I write my thoughts in a notepad. Sometimes I write my thoughts on my blog post. Then there are the more frequent times that I write in my head. In fact for this 15 minute assignment, I wrote several papers in my mind, before I ever got around to starting this one on paper.

One of the things I wrote in my mind was my thoughts on voice. What is my voice? When I thought about that I started thinking of all the things I have written in the past. I feel as if I have two voices. Although really they are both part of one voice, but they sound like two.

One way my voice comes out is my casual, pull up a chair and have a cup of tea voice. That's my mother voice that enjoys bragging about what my children have done today. Look at what my baby learned. Guess what my two year old said. And maybe throw in a lesson that can be learned just as an extra lump of sugar to that tea. You hardly noticed you learned something today.

Then there is the passionate side of my voice. That is when I see some injustice and I can't hold back. My two has been crossed! Oh, you hadn't heard that story yet? Many years ago my husband and I bought our first computer. We bought it from a used computer store. I wrote check for a certain amount of dollars and 25 cents. Someone crossed my 2 and turned it into a 7. I was so upset over that 50 cents they stole from me. Ever since, anytime I see some injustice my husband says my 2 has been crossed.

When something is just out right wrong, I become passionate in my writing. I can tear into an issue. I pull out all the facts and prove that there is a better way. That's the writing that would move mountains in giant chunks. While my casual writing moves mountains one spoonful at a time.

I think the world needs a little bit of both. What I need to do is give those thoughts to the world where it can help. It does no good to hide it all in my head.

I shared these thoughts with others in a writing course that I'm taking. I'm tired of trying to come up with pictures for what I have to say. I'm now committing to just write. I'll occasionally throw in some pictures but if that is the main thing you are wanting leave a comment with your email address and I'll give you my Facebook link. That's my favorite spot to post pictures.

But right now I plan on moving mountains both by the spoonful and by giant chunks. Pictures will just be the occasional added sugar to sweeten the tea.