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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Miss Mary Christmas...

"I want to sing the Miss Mary song!" was Hannah's announcement the other day.
I asked her if she was talking about "Miss Mary Mack" which was a song I taught the kids that went back to my childhood. It was a song we used to jump rope to and do a hand clapping rhythm to.

"No, I want to sing the Christmas one!" was her response.

We got her to sing a phrase for us, "I Miss Mary Christmas, I Miss Mary Christmas..."

Joshua and Ruth figured it out for me at that point, "Oh she's talking about 'I Wish You a Merry Christmas'!" So they sang it the correct way for her.

That was the song she wanted but she now sings it, "I wish Miss Mary Christmas, I wish Miss Mary Christmas, and a Happy New Year!"

Last night at the table as we were having our evening meal after church. She announced, "I'm going to marry a football player!" Scott had a brief concerned look cross his face, but then he realized this is our 4 year old talking.

I asked her if she was going to marry a good football player that went to church. She agreed he was going to be a Christian football player. She said "and when I'm a Mommy I'll give him my football, because I won't need it when I'm a mommy."

She must have felt a little sad at the thought of not getting to play football anymore when she's a mommy, so she added, "Of course, some Mommy's can still play football, right?"

Joshua and Ruth both agreed with me when I told her that she was going to make a very interesting Mommy one day. They just giggled at the thought of what it would be like having her as a mommy. She wouldn't be the mommy on the sidelines at a football game she would be right in the middle of it.

Scott said he could see her dressed up as a football player, hiding around the corner of the house waiting to tackle her husband when he got home from work.

The first picture above is of Scott throwing a football with Hannah and Ruth one evening after he got home from work. That's Hannah throwing the football dressed in her football outfit.
The second picture is of Jonathan dressed up as a football player with a Soccer ball in front of him. He loves to copy Hannah.

The last picture is of Joshua mowing. Joshua was mowing that same day I was taking pictures of them playing football. After he had finished mowing he was also throwing the football. I had gone inside when Scott told me that Hannah had tackled Joshua and he went flying. He didn't even have the ball at the time.

I'm going to be praying hard for Hannah's future husband. :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Surprise, Surprise!!!

I had an ultrasound yesterday. I appreciate my parents coming to help with my other 4 children. Dad and the kids waited in the waiting room while Mom and I went in to see the ultrasound. We found out that the baby isn't a girl after all. He turned out to be a healthy baby boy.

You should have seen the surprise on my children's faces when I came into the waiting room and I announced, "Y'all are having a baby brother!" Joshua was the most excited obviously.

Jonathan doesn't yet understand any of this going on. He will point to my tummy and say, "Baby?" but I think he just thinks that's the new name of my tummy. Ruth and Hannah were a little disappointed. They got over the disappointment pretty quickly though and Ruth even picked out the sweetest little boy card to give to Daddy when he got home from work.

Ruth did tell me we will have to have another baby so we can use the name Elisabeth. Obviously our children don't mind us having a big family.

Here is a picture of our ultrasound. Since I know some might not appreciate the view of the bottom "stamp" that shows whether it's a boy or a girl, I'll not post that one. When she took this picture the technician asked me, "Doesn't he have a handsome face?"

I wanted to say, "Um, he kind of looks like a skeleton in this picture." But I just smiled and said, "Yes!"

Scott finally got to feel the baby kick last night. I had to really move around and rub my tummy to get the baby kicking, but once he finally started poking me in one spot I had Scott put his hand there. I think the baby just wanted us to leave him alone and let him go back to sleep. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Busy Week in Progress...

This has been a busy week and it's not over yet. Monday was a normal day. Scott worked at the school as a Computer Tech. The kids and I spent their day working on their lessons. I've been pretty proud of them this week. I'm not sure what happened but something clicked in their head that the more they concentrate on their morning's lessons the more free time they would have in the afternoon in which we might do something fun. My son has been wanting to mow so bad, that that was one of his motivations to get his work done early.

Tuesday, we had park day with our homeschool group. It had been raining most of the weekend and Monday, so that it was nice to have it slack off for a few hours to allow the kids to play outside. I enjoyed getting to visit with the other parents while we watched our kids having fun. My son has a friend he made their and at our Contender's meetings. They were having so much fun they were even yelling instructions back forth from our cars while we were trying to leave about what they should bring next Park Day.

Wednesday, Scott had the day off. It was exciting because he was able to go with me to my Doctor's appointment. I really like my doctor and the experience we had at the office. I did learn that Wed. were probably the busiest days because a lot of mothers are scheduled that day for Formal ultrasounds. I've been scheduled for a formal ultrasound next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to that. We did have an informal tableside ultrasound yesterday. I was happy that she let us see our baby since my husband and kids were able to be there too. It was pretty exciting. We asked her if she could tell whether we were having a boy or a girl. She said, "Well, don't go out and buy pink just yet, but I'm thinking your having a girl." We should be able to find out for sure next Wednesday.

Wednesday evening we had bible study in our home. We didn't have anyone come for it but we always enjoy sitting around discussing the Bible lesson Scott presents. Afterward we have tea and some refreshments. Yesterday we fixed up French Bread that we bought for the occassion.

Today, Scott has gone back to work and will be having a pocket survival class in the evening. The class will be at the same school he's been taking his Russian classes. I'm so glad he has been able to take these classes. This class on Pocket Survival is a two part class. This part is a sit down class where they talk about pocket survival, then Saturday will be a field trip where they will see the practical application of the techniques they learn in class.

As for me and the kids, today I was able to figure out a problem Joshua was having with his math and get it corrected. They were suppose to add two column numbers with carrying. For example: 24+59= He was getting the answer 213. I just couldn't figure out looking at it myself what he was doing to get such an answer. So I asked him and found out what he was doing. Can you figure out how he came to that answer?

Think Abbot and Costello if you've ever seen any of their acts.

Yep, he was adding 9+4=13. He knew to carry the one so that makes 1+2+5 in the next column. He wrote the 3 down carried the one and then added 13+1+2+5=21 So he had already written the 3 and he just wrote the 21 in front of it. I got him straightened up on that though. He told me that it's a lot easier the right way.

Tomorrow is Friday, I've scheduled an appointment to take the kids in to see a pediatrician about their ringworm. It's mostly the ringworm in their hair that is giving me the most concern. Scott told me to make an appointment this week, so we'll be doing that tomorrow morning. Hopefully we can make our home ringworm free before our baby gets here.

Then Saturday will be pretty normal for me and the kids. Scott will have a class on Saturday but will be home after that. I keep thinking eventually things will slow down. Now I just wonder when. :)

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Crazy Hats, Football Hannah, and Preacher Jonathan

I wanted to get a better picture of my kids with their crazy hats but I'm going to go ahead and post this one. Last week we made crazy hats for a fun concert some friends of ours put on each year. It was a lot of fun. As one of the activities they had a crazy hat contest for the girls and the ladies. Of course Joshua and Jonathan didn't want to be left out of the fun, so I let them make a crazy hat too. Jonathan wasn't wanting to put his hat on for this picture so the kids just decided to hold his hat for him.

During the girls' contest they were to get up on stage and describe their hats to the judges. I never talked with the girls about how to describe their hats. I simply let them decorate them however they wanted. I simply helped with the hot glue.

One girl had gotten on stage with a hat that had a light bulb on top. She was letting her light shine. Another girl had a skunk hat and the theme of her hat was "little stinker." Another girl had a hat with a phone on it and they described her hat as "can you hear me now." Then Hannah got up on stage and very proudly announced, "My hat is a HOMEMADE hat. My mommy made, my brother made it, and I made it!!!" She then smiled real big and turned to let them see all the cotton balls and beads and ribbon on her had.

Ruth came a couple of girls later and said, "It's a hat I made?" The only way she could think to describe it. I was happy that Hannah won 1st and Ruth 2nd place. Probably because they obviously designed their hats themselves.

In this second picture, Hannah is dressed up as a football player. She put balls up in her shoulders for muscles. She thinks the football player's shoulder pads are their actual muscles. She wants to wear her "football uniform" (pictured) constantly. One day I wanted her to get different clothes to put on after her shower. She told me but I want to put these back on so I can be a football player. I had to explain to her that even football players had to have their uniforms washed sometime. They don't wear them all the time, only when they are actually playing. It took quite a bit of convincing, but she finally relinquished her uniform as long as I gave it back to her as soon as it was clean. If you notice in this picture that she has her foot on is actually a basketball. She kicks it around like a football though. She also likes to do the football exercise where the boys stomp their feet and fall flat on their stomaches and then get quickly back up. She'll do that about 10 times in a row. I don't know where she gets the energy.

I don't have a good picture of Jonathan preaching. I did get a video, but I can't post it on dial-up, so that video will have to wait. I will tell you the story though. I was sitting holding him in my arms and asking him, "Will you always be my baby?"

Of course, he smiles shakes his head and says, "No."

One of the times I asked him that, he smiled shook his head and then said, "No. Daddy!"

Then he immediately jumped out of my lap and started marching around the room with his finger over his lips saying, "Ssshhh... Ssshh..." Then he started singing at the top of his lungs. Of course after a short bit of singing he started yelling at the top of his lungs and marching around the room pointing at everyone. It was hilarious. He even pointed and yelled at imaginary individuals. After making sure we all understood what it was he had to say, he started singing as loud as he could again.
I showed the video to Scott and he said, "Wow, I never knew I preached quite like that."

The only part I can really understand is his "sh..sh..sh..."ing everyone. We do that to him a lot during Scott's sermon. Scott never has to shoosh anyone, but me and the kids are always trying to get Jonathan to be quiet during the sermon. So that was where that came from. I've never seen Scott yell at the top of his lungs in the pulpit or even out of the pulpit. I don't know about that but it was funny seeing his idea of Daddy's preaching. Joshua, Ruth, and Hannah just loved it. We had such fun watching him preach at us. I guess Scott made some kind of impression on his young mind. After watching the video Scott had to sit down and give his little boy trying to be like Daddy a hug.