Hannah caught a cold Friday evening. She had gone outside in the snow and got too cold while she was out there. I noticed her cough on Saturday. I asked her when she started coughing and she told me that it was while she was playing in the snow. "I'm allergic to snow," she explained.
Monday morning she still had a cough. She asked me if she could have oatmeal for breakfast. "I need some hot oatmeal. And I'm not going to blow on it because hot is good for your throat," she told me, "and I need some hot tea too."
I told her that I didn't mind her having some tea, and oatmeal as long as she didn't let it burn her mouth. So hot tea and oatmeal was the breakfast of choice yesterday morning.
Hannah is amazingly good at giving us all a good laugh. She turns into the little expert about everything.
I let her feel our baby kick. Babies are a facinating thing for 4 yr olds. She asked me, "Mommy, do I have a baby in my tummy?"
I explained that she did not. And that she had to grow up and get married before getting a baby in her tummy. Then she asked, "Does Daddy have a baby in his tummy?"
I guess in her mind Daddy is grown up and married. I did explain that Daddies don't have babies in their tummies only Mommies can have babies in their tummies. Thankfully that seemed to have cleared it all up for her.
Yesterday, I had a Doctor's appointment and had the kids all ready to go for my appointment. Hannah announced, "I'm going to be a Doctor when I grow up!"
Of course a sibling had to ask, "I thought you wanted to be a football player."
I came to her rescue though, "Ah, so are you going to be a football playing doctor?"
She just smiled. The picture above is one I took yesterday. Hannah wanted to wear her stethoscope to my Doctor's appointment. And I had to take a picture of her all dressed up to go.
That's a good idea! After Hannah tackles somebody on the field, she can then doctor their injuries.