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Friday, June 19, 2009

Peter Pan

We watched the cartoon Peter Pan yesterday evening with the kids. As soon as the movie was over Scott and the kids immediately grabbed their make-shift swords and started sword fighting. I managed to get this picture of them. It is hard to catch five very active people in the same picture. Most of the time they were all over the place.

Hannah decided that she wanted to be Peter Pan. She told me that when she goes to Heaven she'll get to be Peter Pan because he can fly. I told her maybe she can be a pretty flying Hannah. She seems sure she'll get to be Peter Pan.

My husband of course got to be Captain Hook. Interesting how Dad's get to be the bad guy. Ruth said she was pretending to be Tiger Lilly. Jonathan just kept hollering "Bi Man" which is his way of saying "Bible Man". I guess of all the characters he was probably the best one.

After I took this picture I got a video of Hannah jumping off the couch. She was trying to fly like Peter Pan. I told her it was probably best not to fly with a sword in her hand. She then put her sword in her pocket. After a short battle they finally put aside their swords and got ready for bed.

Ruth gave the devotional last night. She picked Ephesians 6:1-3 for her devotional. She said that she would like to give it as a cabin devotional at church camp. Joshua also has a devotional picked out for church camp. I'm looking forward to camp in July.

We also have a trip planned this summer to visit Scott's mother. The children are all excited about it. Last time we visited Michigan, Jonathan wasn't even crawling. This time he is able to run and sword fight. It's amazing how fast children can grow in just a year and a half.

This is a picture of Jonathan at my Mother-in-law's house in Michigan last year. He was about 5 months old at the time.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
(Ephesians 6:1-3)

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