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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Vacation, Potty Training, Lost Tooth... What should I title this blog?

This has actually been a relaxing week despite the busy title. Scott went to a tech conference that lasted the whole week. I decided that taking a break from our normal schedule and visiting my parents would be a great way to help the week go by quickly. I called it an early Spring Break.

I mentioned that I would get a picture of the kids with their build-a-bears. I took this one before getting the kids to bed at my parents' cottage.

I got this picture of Joshua on his new skateboard at my Mema's house. He hadn't been able to ride it until Tuesday. So he was extremely happy to have the free time to ride on the good old oil roads of East Texas.

The kids also enjoyed playing with my cousin's children. It's nice being a close knit family. I had the opportunity to explain first cousins, second cousins, and third cousins to my kids. Hannah still thought it was confusing. :-)

Elijah started going "poo poo" in the potty this week. He has surprised us with his understanding of what he is supposed to be doing on the potty. We haven't gotten super serious with his training yet. We are just letting him try going when he wants to. Serious training will commence when we start using real underwear instead of disposable training pants.

Okay, only 6 minutes left to publish this blog this week. :-) Yes, I'm blogging late again. But let me share this picture of Hannah with a missing tooth.

She has been really proud of that tooth this week. I was impressed that she pulled it herself without a lot of squealing. She's growing up so fast.

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