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Tuesday, June 01, 2010


I wasn't feeling well yesterday. I knew I should have stayed home, when my symptoms started getting worse. It hurt when I nursed Elijah on my left side, I had a headache most of the day, and by night I was running a fever of 101.7 degrees.

We were invited to a home of some homeschooling friends that have started attending our church. I knew I should have told Scott and gone on home but I suffered silently hoping it would just go away. It didn't and last night I had a splitting headache. Poor Scott tried to figure out why I was crying. I told him that I just wasn't feeling good. I think he thought I was upset with someone. I wasn't, I just had a headache my body ached and to have to admit I was sick was upsetting.

I'm feeling some better today. I don't feel feverish, and my headache went down to just a slight ache, and I started nursing Elijah every hour instead of 2 hours in order to keep from becoming engorged and to clear the infected milk duct. So I'm feeling quite a bit better. I just don't want to feel like I did yesterday again.

Today, Joshua was asking me what my favorite part of yesterday was. I explained that I wasn't feeling very well yesterday so there really wasn't a favorite part. He said, "Oh, I thought your favorite part was watching The Wiggles" I found that funny.

I told him, "If watching The Wiggles was my favorite part, that doesn't say much for the rest of the day." I think he must like them more than I do.

There was a panic this afternoon as I heard a loud crash in the kitchen. I had asked Joshua to take out the scraps. He was going to empty the crockpot and it slipped out of his hands and fell. I was on the phone with Scott (who had called to check on me) and I told Joshua it would be okay just make sure no one hurt themselves. Joshua was worried that he was going to have to pay for it. I told him that he wouldn't and that it was okay. Accidents happen. Scott thinks we should get a cast iron Crockpot. Is there such a thing? :)

Today I plan to take the kids to karate class as long as I'm continuing to feel better. This is Scott's last week to drive the school bus. The kids and I are looking forward to spending extra time with him this summer.

This is going to be a busy summer. Scott will be going to Thailand to help the missionaries there. While he is there I am planning to visit my parents and also take the kids to Michigan to visit Scott's family there. Then we'll only be back a week before Church camp begins.

I'll be posting more about our Summer activities as the time draws closer. The picture above is what might be going on while I'm blogging. Right now I'm blogging with Elijah sleeping in my arms. I've gotten pretty good at typing one handed.

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