Elijah was finally born and so Hannah finally got to have her birthday. Her birthday was last Friday. She seemed to think that her birthday was connected with the birth of her brother. The longer it took him to come the longer she thought she had to wait for her birthday. He was due the 10th and born on the 19th. Her birthday was the 26th. She only had to wait one week after he was born to finally get to enjoy her birthday.
I let the kids pick their birthday cakes each year. The cakes were usually fairly simple Chocolate, Strawberry, etc. I think last year Hannah wanted a Banana cake. But even that turned out fairly simple. This year she wanted a Vanilla, Chocolate, Vanilla cake. That wasn't the hard part though. I had two round cake pans and so I was able to make the 3 layers out of two cake mixes. The chocolate one being rather thick, since she only wanted one layer of the chocolate and I didn't want to waist the batter. She originally wanted "up-down, up-downs" on it. Those being zig zags but when we went to buy the specific cake mixes she saw the candy decorations and wanted the pink letters and the soccer balls instead. The hardest part of the cake was that she also wanted the icing to be vanilla, chocolate, vanilla. Most people I have described this cake to at this point are picturing a mess. But as you can see in the picture I was able to pull it off and she said the cake was, "Perfect!"
So score one for mom with that cake. Of course now the kids have the idea that they can come up with just about anything. They did decide that 3 layers were way to thick. So they decided to be satisfied with two layers at this point. I just don't know how difficult some of their cakes are going to get. I think I'm going to have to practice making cheese cakes, because I've already had one of the older kids talk about wanting a two layer cheese cake for their birthday. At least I have until June and July for those cakes.
We are looking forward to visiting my parents on Friday. We don't have much time to see my brother's family before they go back to France. So we want to take advantage of Scott having this Friday off. I'm glad that the kids got to spend a week with their cousins at my parents while we were waiting for Elijah to be born.
I know everyone is looking forward to getting to see him. We need to plan a visit with my grandparents as well. At least my grandparents are a little closer and we just need to pick a Saturday to visit them.
This will be a pretty busy weekend so keep checking back I plan to post more pictures this weekend.