I'm very behind in my blogging. The month is already half over and I hadn't even blogged about any of the things that has happened this month. I'll try to make up for it by writing several catch up blogs.
The first Sunday of this month, May 1, Hannah was baptized. It was the most giggly baptism I've ever witnessed. Usually Baptisms are a serious occasion but leave it to Hannah to giggle the whole time. When Scott helped her into the baptistry she grabbed ahold of his arm and giggled because the water was cold. She was a little short to be able to see over the edge so Scott held her up so that everyone could see her. Then he gave the explanation that Baptism is a picture of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection and that it shows that Hannah is now following Him.
There was one moment I could have hid under the pew. As Scott helped her up the steps out of the baptistry she announced loud enough that everyone could hear, "I feel like a wet dog!" Okay, that part made me want to hide, everyone else thought that it was cute. But that's our Hannah. She is our "life of the party" child, the outgoing one that likes being the center of attention.
She told everyone she met about the day she was saved. It didn't matter who the person was, even complete strangers she would tell, "I'm saved now!" Then when we set the date for her baptism, she told everyone that she was going to be baptized. She was more excited about the Sunday she was to be baptized than she was of Easter Sunday. It is great seeing your child have the joy of God's salvation.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. (Psalms 51:12)
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. (Isaiah 12:3)
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