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Monday, September 13, 2010


A few months ago, Jonathan named his puppy Nenodupe and the name stuck.  It amazes me actually, since he is only two and yet he came up with a name he remembers.  Most of the names the kids would come up with at that age were long forgotten before they even had the toy a week.  Jonathan's puppy has kept its name several months.  We no longer even call it puppy it is Nenodupe.  He is getting so big and talking so much. 
We have devotionals at our home and after the devotion is over, Scott asks if anyone has any comments.  Jonathan's comment is usually, "Jesus died on the Cwoss."   Sunday, the air conditioner was out in the auditorium, so we had our services in the fellowship hall.  Jonathan must have thought that the short pause during his daddy's sermon was a spot for comments.  So he announced very loudly, "Jesus died on the cwoss."  No one seemed to mind and Scott just said, "Yes, Jesus died on the cross,"  and went on with his sermon.  

Children grow up so fast.   It won't be long and I'll be telling of the things Elijah will say. 

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