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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time Flies...

Time sure goes by fast. It either zooms past while you're on the computer. (You mean I've been looking at GPS's for over an hour?)
Days go by fast. (Didn't I just take the kids to Karate class?)
The weeks go by fast. (Yep it's been at least 2 weeks since I've blogged!!!)
Months go by fast. (Elijah is 2 1/2 months old already?)
And then the years go by fast. (Joshua is about to turn 12!)
It all happens so fast.

I remember when I was younger (that wasn't so long ago). I used to say, "Ah it's not going by that fast." Of course that was when Joshua was a baby and I thought the days were a lot longer. But now with 5 kids, the busier life has gotten and the faster the time seems to go.

Sometimes I look at the time going by so fast and think about all the things I have left to get done in the day or in the year. It can be overwhelming sometimes but that is when I have to prioritize and use my time as best I can. Getting organized with my office space helped a lot. I'm always surrounded by distractions but at least I can keep an eye on them all.

The picture is one I took a few months ago. Joshua and Jonathan are wearing some of their Daddy's clothes. It won't be long and they will be able to wear them by themselves.

I have to remember as I try to keep up with everything to cherish each of these moments. I even need to cherish potty training, even though I wondered about it this morning as I cleaned up yet another pair of dirty pants. But at least progress was made yesterday even though he seemed to forgotten it all today. Maybe we'll leap two steps forward tomorrow.

When I was a child my best friend and I would visit at each other's houses. One day her mother told us that my parents would be coming to pick me up in about 10 minutes. I remember we wanted to play but we knew the time would go by too fast when we are having fun. So instead we stared at the clock, to make time go by slower.

I could do that I guess. Not plan any fun activities just plan to stay home and do the same thing over and over in order to keep time from going by too fast. But I would rather enjoy life and the time God has given me hear on earth to do things for Him. I enjoy watching my children grow up and learn. Time may go by too fast but at least we are working for a purpose.

One day God will be calling me home and I will look back and say, "Wow! That was quick!" I don't want to look back over the years with any regrets when it's my time to go.

I need to cherish every moment God has given me and use them for His glory. Then when time flies by and I look back on my life I can say, "I've redeemed the time."

Ephesians 5:15-16 "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

Colosians 4:5 "Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time."

James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth even for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

7 Hours, Potty time, You Name It...

I can't decide the best title for this blog since so much is going on. Elijah is now sleeping 7 hours straight at night. He has even slept 8 on a couple of nights. So I've been able to get a little caught up on sleep. I do have to make myself go to bed sometimes, instead of doing all the hundred odd jobs I can't do with a baby in tow. But I'm very happy that he is now sleeping at nights.

The second title I could give this blog was Potty Time. We have now officially started potty training Jonathan. I told the kids that we want to make going to the potty a positive experience. So we are not commanding him to go right now we make it exciting to get to go. We have started by setting the timer for every hour. When the bell rings we all excitedly exclaim, "It's Potty time!!!" Jonathan then gets all excited and runs to the bathroom and sits down on his potty. So far he has been keeping himself dry. I'm not sure yet what will happen when he needs to have a bowel movement. Yesterday he dirty himself during Karate class. I had the potty there and after I changed his dirty pull-up I had him use his potty in the bathroom. He did go and stayed dry the rest of the time. So I hope that it was a case of not getting him to the bathroom soon enough and that he will go in the potty when he needs to next time.

But we have only one pull up left. I decided to go ahead and save that one so we have put him in big kid undies as I call them. They are actually cloth training pants. I also have plastic training pants to put over them in case he has an "accident". I'm hoping that accidents will be few and far between. I would hope he would never have one but I don't want to get my hopes up to high.

So I have one child trained to sleep through the night and another in the process of learning to use the bathroom. My husband was teasing me when the bell went off and Jonathan hollered, "Potty Time" that he may one day be a heavy weight boxer or something and when the bell rings he suddenly has to use the bathroom. Oh well, at least he'll know that he's suppose to go in the potty. Right?

Well, it's only day 3 of potty training and I'm not going to vouch for this method just yet. I'll keep everyone posted as to how it goes. I will say that not every method works for every child. They all have their own individual personalities and what works for one may not work for another. So I guess that's my little caveat (I need to ask my brother if I spelled that right. He's probably looking at that word saying a what?!? Hmm.. Maybe I should have googled it.) Anyway, you know the small print at the end to keep you from getting in trouble.

Well, I have a new computer and so far it hasn't shut off completely in the middle of this blog. So that should mean I'll be able to blog more than I have been. My other laptop was having some real issues. The top didn't stay up and the battery wouldn't stay charged, then it would just shutdown for no reason in the middle of my working on something. I then went to using my husbands mini-laptop and I think he wanted it back. So he bought me a new one. So all that to say keep checking back I'll try to post more often now that I'm back in business.

Until next time... "Ding!" Was that the bell? "It's potty time!!!"

I love being a mom!