Thursday, December 31, 2009
Looking Back on 2009
I was about to write a month-by-month review of what all took place this past year, but I realized that just one month would take up to much space so I'll just write a few memorable highlights from this year.
At the beginning of the year, the older three children were able to take a few riding lessons from a friend of ours at church. That was a dream come true for Ruth.
Hannah celebrated her 4th Birthday in March. She has grown a lot this year, from wanting to be Bibleman, to wanting to be a football player, and even a rough tough cow girl.
Joshua turned 11 in June, he's grown a lot in this year as well. His biggest lesson I think he learned this past year was to be patient with Hannah. Their personalities were always clashing. I helped them resolve their problem by having them work together on things. They still have their squabbles but at least Joshua has learned to be patient with his sister.
Also in June we took a trip to Michigan and visited with Scott's family there. We had a great time and got to visit with a lot of his family there. The kids had a wonderful time over there. They got to go camping, fish, ride on a 4 wheeler, walk the dogs, ride on a motorcycle, and even got to eat birthday cake they had for Joshua's Birthday there.
Ruth turned 9 in July. She has grown as well in this year. The main trait she has worked on and is growing in, is not being too critical of others. She is a very smart and detailed young lady, but when things don't go her way, she can be very critical. I can tell she has been working on not being as vocal with her criticisms. She is a wonderful big sister and we all call her the second Mommy. Whenever I can't hold Jonathan, she's the one he'll go to for hugs and cuddles.
Jonathan turned 2 this year in November. When I look over previous pictures of him I think he has probably been the one to grow the most this past year. He is becoming so independent and vocal. I tell people, "We spend two years trying to get them to walk and talk and the rest of their life trying to get them to sit down and be quiet." He is definitely becoming his own person. He still has his moments copying Hannah but now he is throwing in his own ideas.
It was about the middle of July that we realized we were expecting our fifth child. We found out in October, that we are expecting a boy and we are naming him Elijah Scott.
I found out that two of my cousins are also expecting babies. I'm due in March, one of my cousins is due in April, and the other in May.
Scott took Joshua and Ruth hiking this year. I stayed home with Jonathan and Hannah. We set up an indoor tent, made from chairs and blankets. I even let them eat inside their tent.
I started coordinating the Contenders of the Faith class in a homeschool group in which we are a part. It's a Christian alternative to Boy Scouts. The Keepers of the Faith meet at the same time which is the Christian alternative to girl scouts.
Scott became a bus driver at the local school, and was offered a job in the tech department as well. We were blessed with a good price on a van, and we were able to get Scott a ticket for a trip to Paraguay to visit a Missionary there. Even though that meant having him away from us during Christmas, I was glad that he went and feel like it was good for him. I'm hoping it encouraged him as well as the Missionaries he visited.
Well, that was my brief overview for 2009. If you want a more detailed view of it you can always look over my past posts. I tried to post somewhat regularly although I tend to fall behind occasionally.
Well, it is now 2010 and I'm looking forward to seeing Scott in about 5 hours. I guess I should try to get a little sleep before then. I'm so excited to see him. My next post will be about my goals for 2010. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
This is My Blog, Not Dad's...
"Blogging, yes, yes, Its so good to be blogging!!!!! I am blogging while changing a diaper!!!! I bet there are a lot of you who could not do that!!!! Did I mention that I am blindfolded also. You see mother's from Texas can do most anything. The picture is of me and my children talking to Scott on Skype. We watched "Calamity Jane" starring "Dorris Day" now my youngest daughter wants to be a cow girl. She watched "Facing the Giants and wanted to be a football player. We are going to watch "Yours Mine and Ours" next in hopes we will have more than a dozen grandchildren, who will play football for the Dallas Cow Girls. "
Hmm... I think I won't leave my blogger signed in while changing a diaper anymore.
Although some of what he said was true. No, I didn't change the diaper blindfolded (I'm not that good.) And for that matter I wasn't blogging while changing a diaper. I was about to.
Hmm... The Calamity Jane part was true. Hannah was inspired. You already heard about the football thing with Hannah from another post so that wasn't anything new.
Let's see, I'm not sure if my Dad was talking about me having a dozen grandchildren or him having a dozen grandchildren. But with 5 kids it won't be hard for me to have a dozen grandkids one day. So who knows I may have some football players in there. Oh, he said that was my grandchildren he was talking about.
And we were talking to Scott in that picture.
Okay, well, now you've heard it all. Not much more to write about, except that you won't have to worry about this duo-authorship anymore. At least as long as I can keep my password secret from my Dad. :) Hope everyone has a Happy New Year! You too, Dad!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Two More Days...
This is a picture of our kids sitting on my parents couch this past week. They've been having fun. They're missing Daddy too though.
Sunday we enjoyed the services at my Dad's church. It has been a long time since we've been able to go to his church on a Sunday. I enjoyed his Sunday School and his sermon during the Morning Worship. Sunday Night their church had business meeting.
There was one funny thing that happened Sunday Night. Before the evening worship service, I gave each of the kids some change to put in the offering plate. They were pretty excited about it. Well, the usher didn't see that my children had money to give and they walked right past them. When we looked behind us and saw that they were taking the offering a few pews behind us, the kids were a little panicky.
They are normally very quiet and proper during services but I knew they would be sad to not get to put their offering in the plate. I decided to "unleash" them. I told them, "Okay, go catch up with the usher and give him your money." There weren't as many people present in the evening as in the morning or I would have never done it. But everyone in the audience found it funny. They all know how still my kids normally are.
My Dad did ask me what happened all of a sudden he's up on the stage and all he sees is his four grandchildren running wildly up the isle. But once it was explained he understood completely.
Monday a couple at my Dad's church invited us all out to eat at McDonald's. We let the kids play in the play place. They had fun, except for Hannah who was only brave enough to go to about the first level of the play area. She just wouldn't go beyond the steps. She decided she would go in it when she's older.
How does a girl that is brave enough to talk to anyone in a room be scared to go inside a play place. Well, that's my Hannah. I asked her how she could be afraid of that when she says she isn't afraid of anything. She said, "Well, I'm afraid of some things."
Today, we were suppose to have Lady's Bible Study here at my parents house, but Dad was feeling sick last night and was running a fever most of the day today. I hope he starts feeling better tomorrow.
Tomorrow evening will be midweek service. I don't know what we will do Thursday, but Friday morning is the day we pick up Scott. That's not too far away. Please pray for him that he has an easy trip and makes it safely home to us.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a blessed New Year.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Night Before Chirstmas...
The only problem with spending a couple of weeks with my parents is that my Dad beats me to all the pictures. So yes he has a picture of the kids in their pajamas on his blog as well.
We had a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at my Dad's church tonight. It was real nice. Couples went up and read through the Christmas Story from Luke 1 and 2. We sang carols between the readings. Then at the end we all had candles that we lit at the end. Jonathan was especially excited about the candle. I let him sit in my lap and hold the candle with me. He was really good and didn't touch the flame which I knew was incredibly tempting. Then I let him blow out the candle at the end.
We all had fun.
Well, it is now Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone! I guess I better get busy with a little bit of last minute wrapping.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Scott's in Paraguay
Then Tuesday evening he e'mailed me to let me know he had made it safely and would write more later. Which I also read a message that Bro. Barker, the missionary Scott is visiting wrote to say that Scott had arrived safely and they enjoyed him playing on his ukulele at a meeting in Paraguay. So I knew Scott was having a great time.
I talked to him on Skype this afternoon. He is doing well. He had preached at a prison in Paraguay and I think he attended another service. He will be preaching on the radio tomorrow. He will also be attending a Christmas Eve service in Paraguay. It will be a 4 hour long service. I can't picture any services here in America running that long. I'm looking forward to his getting back with pictures and telling us more about what he is doing. We have 3 hours time difference. When it was 8 o'clock here it was midnight there. Tomorrow sounds like it will be pretty busy for him. He is starting the morning by going to the airport to pick up the luggage that was lost in transit. Thankfully he had all his personal items as carry-on. We are hoping there won't be anything missing from his checked baggage. It was mostly items that we had bought for the missionary and his family.
The kids and I are doing well. My parents invited us to stay with them for the two weeks Scott is away. Monday night was the hardest for me. After I talked with him on the phone I felt sad, because I realized he really will be gone for two weeks and we hadn't been apart that long before. Normally I would have gone with him rather than have to miss him for two weeks, but since I'm close to my 7th month of pregnancy I didn't want to be that far away. I also knew Scott would have an easier time going from place to place without worrying about my health and keeping me comfortable. I guess if we keep busy enough maybe the time will pass quickly.
Tuesday night my parents took me and the kids to see the Christmas lights in Athens. They were really pretty. Then today we had Wednesday night service at my parents' church. My parents even brought refreshments for everyone to enjoy fellowship after service. Tomorrow we will be having a Christmas Eve candlelight service. Also my sister and brother-in-law will be coming to visit us on Christmas Eve. So tomorrow should be pretty busy. And then of course we will have Christmas on Friday at my parents house. I'm hoping maybe Scott will be able to join us on Skype. That would be nice. I'm not sure exactly what they have planned for him that day. So I guess we will see.
Well, I was going to try to post two more pictures but for some reason my browser isn't letting me. I guess I'll just have to blog again tomorrow with those pictures. Maybe Blogger will cooperate better then. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas Eve.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Our Texas Snowman...
Monday, December 07, 2009
Dr. Hannah
Hannah caught a cold Friday evening. She had gone outside in the snow and got too cold while she was out there. I noticed her cough on Saturday. I asked her when she started coughing and she told me that it was while she was playing in the snow. "I'm allergic to snow," she explained.
Monday morning she still had a cough. She asked me if she could have oatmeal for breakfast. "I need some hot oatmeal. And I'm not going to blow on it because hot is good for your throat," she told me, "and I need some hot tea too."
I told her that I didn't mind her having some tea, and oatmeal as long as she didn't let it burn her mouth. So hot tea and oatmeal was the breakfast of choice yesterday morning.
Hannah is amazingly good at giving us all a good laugh. She turns into the little expert about everything.
I let her feel our baby kick. Babies are a facinating thing for 4 yr olds. She asked me, "Mommy, do I have a baby in my tummy?"
I explained that she did not. And that she had to grow up and get married before getting a baby in her tummy. Then she asked, "Does Daddy have a baby in his tummy?"
I guess in her mind Daddy is grown up and married. I did explain that Daddies don't have babies in their tummies only Mommies can have babies in their tummies. Thankfully that seemed to have cleared it all up for her.
Yesterday, I had a Doctor's appointment and had the kids all ready to go for my appointment. Hannah announced, "I'm going to be a Doctor when I grow up!"
Of course a sibling had to ask, "I thought you wanted to be a football player."
I came to her rescue though, "Ah, so are you going to be a football playing doctor?"
She just smiled. The picture above is one I took yesterday. Hannah wanted to wear her stethoscope to my Doctor's appointment. And I had to take a picture of her all dressed up to go.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Our "New" Van
We originally thought we would have to save up money and find something in February before the baby was born. But the Lord blessed and through a coworker Scott found out about this van for sale at a really good price.
This week was busy, besides what I mentioned in my last post we also went on Tuesday evening to see a replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. It was a great learning experience for the kids. The only other change to the weeks plan was finding out that the singing had been canceled. However the pastor and his wife of the host church invited us to visit in their home. We had good fellowship with them.
Today Jonathan was helping Scott fix a computer. I remember when Joshua was that little. Besides the pictures of the van, I'll include a couple pictures of Jonathan helping Daddy.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Jonathan's 2nd Birthday
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Miss Mary Christmas...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Surprise, Surprise!!!
You should have seen the surprise on my children's faces when I came into the waiting room and I announced, "Y'all are having a baby brother!" Joshua was the most excited obviously.
Ruth did tell me we will have to have another baby so we can use the name Elisabeth. Obviously our children don't mind us having a big family.
Here is a picture of our ultrasound. Since I know some might not appreciate the view of the bottom "stamp" that shows whether it's a boy or a girl, I'll not post that one. When she took this picture the technician asked me, "Doesn't he have a handsome face?"
I wanted to say, "Um, he kind of looks like a skeleton in this picture." But I just smiled and said, "Yes!"
Scott finally got to feel the baby kick last night. I had to really move around and rub my tummy to get the baby kicking, but once he finally started poking me in one spot I had Scott put his hand there. I think the baby just wanted us to leave him alone and let him go back to sleep. :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Busy Week in Progress...
Tuesday, we had park day with our homeschool group. It had been raining most of the weekend and Monday, so that it was nice to have it slack off for a few hours to allow the kids to play outside. I enjoyed getting to visit with the other parents while we watched our kids having fun. My son has a friend he made their and at our Contender's meetings. They were having so much fun they were even yelling instructions back forth from our cars while we were trying to leave about what they should bring next Park Day.
Wednesday, Scott had the day off. It was exciting because he was able to go with me to my Doctor's appointment. I really like my doctor and the experience we had at the office. I did learn that Wed. were probably the busiest days because a lot of mothers are scheduled that day for Formal ultrasounds. I've been scheduled for a formal ultrasound next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to that. We did have an informal tableside ultrasound yesterday. I was happy that she let us see our baby since my husband and kids were able to be there too. It was pretty exciting. We asked her if she could tell whether we were having a boy or a girl. She said, "Well, don't go out and buy pink just yet, but I'm thinking your having a girl." We should be able to find out for sure next Wednesday.
Wednesday evening we had bible study in our home. We didn't have anyone come for it but we always enjoy sitting around discussing the Bible lesson Scott presents. Afterward we have tea and some refreshments. Yesterday we fixed up French Bread that we bought for the occassion.
Today, Scott has gone back to work and will be having a pocket survival class in the evening. The class will be at the same school he's been taking his Russian classes. I'm so glad he has been able to take these classes. This class on Pocket Survival is a two part class. This part is a sit down class where they talk about pocket survival, then Saturday will be a field trip where they will see the practical application of the techniques they learn in class.
As for me and the kids, today I was able to figure out a problem Joshua was having with his math and get it corrected. They were suppose to add two column numbers with carrying. For example: 24+59= He was getting the answer 213. I just couldn't figure out looking at it myself what he was doing to get such an answer. So I asked him and found out what he was doing. Can you figure out how he came to that answer?
Think Abbot and Costello if you've ever seen any of their acts.
Yep, he was adding 9+4=13. He knew to carry the one so that makes 1+2+5 in the next column. He wrote the 3 down carried the one and then added 13+1+2+5=21 So he had already written the 3 and he just wrote the 21 in front of it. I got him straightened up on that though. He told me that it's a lot easier the right way.
Tomorrow is Friday, I've scheduled an appointment to take the kids in to see a pediatrician about their ringworm. It's mostly the ringworm in their hair that is giving me the most concern. Scott told me to make an appointment this week, so we'll be doing that tomorrow morning. Hopefully we can make our home ringworm free before our baby gets here.
Then Saturday will be pretty normal for me and the kids. Scott will have a class on Saturday but will be home after that. I keep thinking eventually things will slow down. Now I just wonder when. :)
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Crazy Hats, Football Hannah, and Preacher Jonathan
Friday, September 18, 2009
They're, Their, There ...
I am tired of my children bringing me their papers with the wrong form of their, there, or they're on them. So I gave them those words along with our, hour, and are. Which are three other words they are constantly getting mixed up. I know my kids are country but that's not "are" car. It's "our" car. So the focus of this week has mostly been their, there, and they're. We have touched on the other three but the focus will go on those next week.
I've tried to explain to my kids that if you can't say "They are" in the sentence where they put "They're" then that is the wrong word. "That is they're car" would be wrong because you wouldn't say "That is they are car." I think they get the point but aren't the craziest about now having to stop and think about it before they write the word. Watch me mess up on my blog. :) My sister would be the first to let me know.
Other exciting events in this week. I gave Jonathan a thorough shave this week. He is now practically bald but you can see his peach fuzz a little bit. Joshua was concerned about it, but I reassured him that Jonathan's hair would grow back. This is one of my efforts at getting rid of the ringworm on his head once and for all. If I can't get all signs of it to disappear I'll be taking them to a doctor for a prescription. I want to try one more time to keep their heads clean and put medicine on them for one or two more weeks before I go ahead and take them.
Jonathan's head really doesn't look too bad as far as the ringworm spots go. In fact I almost think they are gone, except for the bald spots that is left behind. People that saw his bald spots before thought that he got ahold of some scissors and he or Hannah tried to give him a haircut. So I decided to shave his hair and let it all grow back together. It will be easier to see if it is clean while short as well.
I gave Joshua a haircut as well but not that short. He doesn't want his head bald. I told him that if he washes his hair good each day, then I won't have to shave it all off. But if it starts looking real bad, I may. I think he plans to keep it as clean as he can.
Hannah's hair is about the same, I scrubbed her head real good today. I don't plan to shave her head. She only has one spot and so far I've been keeping it at bay. She doesn't want any medicine that stings. I use one antifungal cream on her head and trying other medications on Joshua's since his is worse. If I find one that does the trick, I'll use it on her whether she likes it or not. Joshua doesn't mind my putting the different medications on his. He figures the more it burns the more it must be working. I'm not sure if that is always the case but it makes him feel better.
And what are the kids doing in the livingroom while I'm working on this blog? Well, they're working on their math in there. I guess I better go in there and make sure they're still at their work. :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A Busy Week...
Monday night we went to a Marksmen concert at another church in our local association.
Tuesday was our Homeschool groups Park Day. I took the kids to the park and we had a great time with all the other homeschoolers.
Wednesday, I had my Doctor's appointment. It went okay but I have decided to go ahead and switch to another doctor. My first impression with the doctor I visited wasn't the best. I wasn't impressed by the graffitti in the bathroom and it didn't help that I found it very hard to understand the doctor with her very heavy accent. I'm pretty bad about getting confused normally but would definitely hate to answer a question wrong and regret it. It was so bad that she asked me a question about the age of my son and I thought she was talking about my husband. I think the part that bothered me the most is that she never found the baby's heartbeat. They found it the week before during the Ultrasound. Anyway, I decided it was worth a little extra drive to go to another Doctor who delivers at a bigger hospital.
Thursday, was a good thorough homeschool day for the kids. I gave them work on Tuesday and Wednesday as well, but I made sure they caught up as best they could. Both Joshua and Ruth finished their chapter books for their Rewarded Reading and have gotten to 10 books. They made sure that Hannah kept up with them and so they all three got a piece of gum. Jonathan can't have gum, so I gave him a piece of soft candy instead. Then for their 10 book reward I told them I would take them to the store on Friday and let them pick out a candy bar. Thirty Books will be a Pizza Party!!!
Then Friday I took them to their first Keepers of the Faith and Contenders for the Faith meeting. The first meeting was actually for the mothers while the children played games in the gymnasium. I found out that the teachers stay with their groups and the groups just get older each year. I had told Hannah that she would be in a class and then found out that without a volunteer there would not be another 4 and 5 year old class. However all of us mothers were very happy when another mother of a 5year old volunteered to take that class.
Then there was a problem with the boys group who are called Contenders. The teenage boy that took that group last year was no longer able to do it. So there wasn't going to be anyone over that group. They would have just been corralled in the gym for two hours until the girls got done. I couldn't stand the thought of Joshua not having an organized group this year. So I volunteered to be Coordinator for the Contenders group. Another mother offered to take the younger boys, since her son was 5. I will be working with the 12 other boys who range in age from 6 to 14. There were 3 teenagers that I plan to be helpers. I hope to have fathers, uncles, grandfathers, etc. volunteer to present a hobby or skill.
Then after the meeting, I took my kids to the Dollar store and let them choose a candy bar. Of course the older three all chose Bubble Tape. I bought Jonathan a candy bar, but he kept calling it Bubble Gum. I asked him if he could say, "candy" but he still said, "gum." Well, at least he didn't feel left out.
Following the trip to the store we arrived home and I visited with Scott a little bit before we left for a singing at another one of our churches in our association. We had plan to also go to a local association rally first and then to the singing, but we ran out of time. After the singing, the Church had fellowship and I asked the ladies where they would recommend I go for an obstetrician. I was curious of their opinion of the local doctors. They all told me to go to another town. They said that I don't want to go there. I was glad to talk with them since they lived in the town that the doctor's office I visited was in. I plan to take their advice and move on to another doctor.
Saturday, I purposefully had nothing planned. We mostly stayed home. Scott did make a couple of visits for the Church and studied. The kids and I stayed home. I even let them watch a couple Veggietales.
Today we had church and I got a craving for Corn Dogs, which we didn't have hear at the house. We did have hot dogs so I found a corn dog recipe and tried my hand at cooking them myself and had the grease too hot. I burned the first corn dog as soon as it touched the oil. It wasn't even in there a second and the house was full of smoke. Scott and I started opening windows and he held the pan outside for a little bit. I was about to give up and bake the corn dogs but once the grease cooled down, Scott took the corn dogs I wrapped and tried frying them again. They turned out perfect. I'm going to try making those again sometime.
Well, that was our busy week. I even included today which is the beginning of another week. But I hope it will be a little calmer this week. Scott is starting a new job at the local school as a Technical Assistant. He'll have a office and will be fixing campus computer problems. I think he'll enjoy the job.
Well, it's time to go to church so I'll have to post pictures later. I'll try to update my blog a little bit better this week.
Friday, August 28, 2009
12 Weeks...
Today is baby's 12 week mark and here are a couple of pictures as promised. This first picture is of Hannah and Jonathan covered in baby dolls. The smallest baby wrapped in the sock is the size our baby is at 12 weeks gestation.
The second picture is of Jonathan holding the doll that is the size our baby is today. Even though I realize it is just a doll I couldn't stand to let it look that cold with its arms and legs crossed. Covering all but it's face with a baby sock made me feel better.
That's where we are at right now though. I plan to call a doctor on Monday and make an appointment. I've waited long enough. It's now time to decide on a doctor. The doctor I'm considering will be about 20 to 30 minutes drive give or take for stop lights and road work. That town is the closest town with a hospital to us. I've driven that way and I'm sure that the drive will seem longer in March. I'll try to keep everyone posted on how everything goes along the way. I plan to add a pregnancy ticker to my blog page as well. Enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It's a Baby!
I know, I know, you were all expecting me to come on here and tell you whether we are having a boy or a girl. Well, we didn't find out this time. I decided to wait until we could be a little more sure and so I didn't even ask. They might could have told us what they thought this time but I think in a few weeks we'll know better. Our new due date is now March 10, 2010.
We went to a Hope Pregnancy Center that gives free pregnancy tests and a free Ultrasound to mothers. I hadn't decided on a doctor so we went there to confirm the pregnancy and they offered a free Ultrasound as well. After our visit yesterday, they gave us a few gifts. They gave me a couple of pictures of the baby and it's heart beat. They also gave us a doll baby that is the size the baby will be at exactly 12 weeks. I'll try to post that picture on Friday, since that will be 12 weeks.
They also gave us a gift package which consisted of a diaper, bottle, pacifier, and samples of shampoo and baby lotion.
When we arrived home we were all sitting together when Hannah asked, "Mom, is the baby wearing a diaper?"
I explained that the baby wasn't wearing one right now, because he/she is in my tummy still.
Then with a look of wonder she asked me, "Where does it go?"
She is picturing our Jonathan's dirty diapers.
Joshua, our oldest, said, "That's a wierd thought."
I won't say how I managed to explain that one, since I'm not even sure how I did it.
It's a lot of fun looking at things from a 4 year old's perspective. :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
(Psalms 8:2) Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.
(Matthew 21:15-16) And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased, And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
We took a break for a couple of days this week to visit my parents. Scott will be starting driving a school bus on Monday. It was good for the kids us to take a break as well. I also am able to post a few videos before we leave high speed internet.
Scott took me out to eat today. We have not had a real date in a long time. Sometimes we'll fix up some kind of meal and watch a movie or just talk after the kids are in bed. But while at Grandparents we are able to actually go out to eat. We even spent a little extra money and visited a Texas Musicians Museum while we were at it. It was pretty fun and my husband got into a really good theological discussion with the man that runs the museum. He invited the man to visit my Dad's church as well.
Here are a few videos I took over the summer. This first video is of Scott singing Action Bible Songs with a doll for the kids.
This next video is of Jonathan and Hannah playing the piano together and singing. I'm not sure which Hymn they are playing.
This last one for tonight is of Joshua giving his siblings a ride on a four wheeler.
I guess that will be all the posts I'll try to post tonight. I may try to post a couple more tomorrow. Hope you enjoy these until then.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Church Camp Pictures
It's been too long since I've blogged. I guess I have gotten a little lazy since I've been introduced to Facebook. Lately I've been putting more short thoughts in facebook and have slacked off on my blogging. But I am going to make up for it today, and try not to forget my blogging world.
Actually I kill two birds with one stone by blogging. Whatever I blog is posted to facebook as well. The best of both worlds. :)
Here are some of the pictures I took at Church Camp. This first is my parents with my kids in the cafeteria line. The meals have actually been very good at camp.
Here is Joshua waiting for the preaching to begin during Tabernacle.
Hannah and Ruth were both covered in Bubbles from the slip-n-slide that was rented for our camp. Shampoo was used to help make it slippery. So they were good and clean afterward.
Scott, Joshua, and Ruth sang a special at camp.
Jonathan loved helping clean the dorm. He was constantly armed with broom and dust pan whenever we went inside the dorm.
It was a very good week at camp. There were 26 campers reported saved, 2 announced their call to preach while there, and several rededications.
The good thing about camp is that you get the children out of the world, away from their t.v.'s and you surround them with the gospel throughout the day. Our scheduled included Morning Devotional in the Tabernacle before breakfast, Bible Classes after Breakfast, Children's Choir after class, Sermon before lunch, Lunch, Free time- where activities were planned each day for the children. The girls had an hour swim time while the boys were doing other activities, then the boys had their swim time while the girls were doing activities. Then after all the fun time ended at 4 p.m. everyone got ready for Dinner and then after Dinner we got ready for the Evening Service, during which was Testimony time, and good preaching brought by one of the Pastor's present. Then after the service, we had free time. We ended each day with cabin devotions and lights out.
All three of my older kids were wishing they could live at church camp. I explained that they would be rather lonely all by themselves, so they decided that they want everyone to live at church camp. I'm not sure how the other sponsors would feel about a year round church camp. Despite the fun at camp, I was still glad to get back home and back into a routine again.
I'll be getting the children started back on our homeschooling tomorrow. I gave them a couple of weeks off because of camp and Scott and Joshua's hiking trip. Then I wanted a few extra days to prepare for starting a new year with the children. So tomorrow will be our official back to homeschool day. I plan to take them to the Library tomorrow and then to the store to pick up some homeschool supplies.
I think that pretty much catches everyone up on what all has been going on our summer. I'll try to post more pictures later.
1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (17) And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
All My Ducks in a Row...
While we are on our trip I took this picture of this family of Ducks. I love how the father and mother duck were together with all their little ducks. They have a few more ducklings than I have but we are trying to catch up.
Yes, we are now expecting a 7th member to our ever growing family. Right now the tentative due date is March 14, 2010. We still need to find a doctor or midwife. We are also going to have to keep our eye out for at least a 7 passenger van. Right now we've been squeezing into our 6 passenger car. My husband told our oldest son that sits between us, "Right now a van would be a luxury, but in March it will be a necessity." :) So I know we'll have a van come March.
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
We went on a trip a couple of weeks ago to Michigan to visit some of my husband's family there. We had such a good time. I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures.
On our way up there we camped out a couple of nights to break the trip up. There was an associational meeting in Missouri so we had taken an extra night to stop and visit with some of the preachers we knew might be there.
We managed to afford this trip by camping out each night. This picture of the kids in front of the tent was taken in Illinois, right by the Mississippi River. We also found on this trip that Hannah and Jonathan have problems with car sickness, especially if we drive right after eating a good meal. We learned to eat real light while driving.
We arrived at Scott's Mom's house and were greeted by "the girls" as my in-law's dogs are called. Hannah had determined before we arrived at Grandma's house that she would not be afraid of their dogs anymore. I had to take a picture of her petting one of them. I told her if I didn't get a picture no one would believe she wasn't scared. So here is proof. :)
On Saturday we celebrated Joshua's 11th birthday. We had cake and ice cream and then we went to the lake and went fishing. I caught 3 small fish and my mother-in-law caught 1. I was praying someone would catch something, since the last time I took the kids fishing we didn't catch anything and it was a stocked pond. Joshua was sure I was doing something wrong at the time. I told him it's a matter of patience, which my four kids seem to lack when it comes to fishing.
Then on Monday we had a cook-out at my in-laws house where most of Scott's Aunts were able to come to. Here is a picture of Scott with his Mom and 3 of his Aunts.
Of course for Joshua the highlight of this trip is getting to drive the four wheeler. We let him give the girls a ride in the woods but we didn't plan on him taking Jonathan. I took this picture after we found out that Jonathan had already gone with them through the woods and he was waving at everyone and saying "Bye!!!!" They grow up so fast.
Over all this has been a very good trip. Scott and I both agreed that we were going to need a vacation from vacation, but once we got home the kids didn't have too much trouble getting back into the routine again.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Getting Rid of the Monsters!
(Philippians 4:8)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Peter Pan
(Ephesians 6:1-3)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
No More Pancaking
"Ruth's pancaking again," Hannah told me this morning.
I turned from my Bible where I was doing my morning's reading and asked her, "What's pancaking?"
"Oh, I don't know how to say it," was her response.
She told me how she had told Joshua where Ruth was hiding during hide-and-seek and that now Ruth was Pancaking.
I asked her, "Oh, do you mean panicking?"
She was quite happy that I figured it out. I then taught her how to say "panic". Then as we were eating lunch, I joked that the computer was "pancaking" since it was making so much noise. She quite clearly said, "No Mommy, It's panicking!"
So my little girl is "Pancaking" no more. She is learning so quickly.
The girls earned five stickers for our Rewarded Reading program. For every five stickers they earn, they get a piece of bubble gum. After ten stickers, they get a candy bar. Then once they reach 30 stickers, they get a Pizza Party. Joshua has one more book to read to have his five stickers. The older two children have to read a chapter book and write a book report to earn a sticker. Hannah must have 5 books read to her and tell me about them to earn a sticker. They each have a chart on the wall where we write the names of the books and place the stickers.
As I'm writing this, my son came in the room wanting some medicine for an itchy round spot on his arm. He asked me if it could be ringworm since we have a new kitten. I thought I would look up a picture of ringworm for him. I opened another browser window and sure enough, what he has looks just like ringworm.
I looked up information about it and treatment information. I read that it can be contagious by touch. I asked the other children if any of them had any itchy spots like Joshua. Hannah had a mosquito bite that she really wanted to be ringworm. Ruth said she didn't have an itchy spot but she had a bump on the back of her shoulder that bothered her. I looked and yep, she has ringworm too. Jonathan of course held his arm up for me to inspect. So far, the younger two don't have it. I think it's because they are afraid of the kitten. They won't let it come near them.
Okay, it's tempting to "pancake" but I think instead I'll go to the store and by some anti-fungal cream for ringworm. I also need to wash their clothes, sheets, and towels. At least it's treatable. We'll just need to get rid of it before it spreads anymore. Better check on treatments for the kitten as well.
Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Our Mission Field...
I read a poem a while back, that was a discussion between a mother and God about her desire to be on a mission field. I really liked that poem because by the end of it, it showed that even though God doesn't always send us off somewhere else. We all have a mission field.
My mission field is my family. While that may seem like a small thing compared to feeding and clothing the homeless, taking care of orphans, or reaching far off peoples that have never heard the gospel. It is a very important role that I must take on whereever the Lord has us to go or stay.
I realize that the Lord wants His people to go into all the world but maybe it's not me that's suppose to do the actual going. Maybe it will be my children, or my grandchildren. I can be only one place at one time. However, I have four children. If I raise them to love the Lord and to do his will then how many people could be reached through them. I could have at least 4 Missionaries whether at home or abroad someday.
I do not know what the Lord has in store for us in the future. We may never go into a foreign field. I do know that my mission is right here at home, with my husband, my children, my parents, my in-laws, my grandparents, my neighbors. How many more lives can I touch if I quit looking out and wondering when the Lord is going to use me and looking in at what the Lord has right here for me to do. I could reach the world right where I'm at. Whether at home or in another country.
The Lord could one day decide to send us on a foreign field, but the most important field I have is my family. If I keep this in mind, I will be able to keep my focus no matter where we go.
If you are struggling with where God wants you, maybe you should look at where you are at right now. Are you a Sunday School teacher? Your students are your "Mission" field.
Are you a parent? Your children are your mission field.
Are you married? Then your spouse is your mission field. You are to help your spouse be all that he (or she) can be for God. We all have struggles. Sometimes we can help our spouse reach his full potential by being a source of encouragement and help in whatever he needs to serve God.
Do you have neighbors? Then you are to reflect God's light to them. If they see your life maybe they too will desire to serve him.
Whereever we are God has a mission for us. We need to pray and seek his will for our lives. God knows what is best for each one of us. We cannot decide what another person is suppose to do. But we are able to determine what it is God wants for our own personal lives.
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and [then] cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours. And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did. So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that he would tarry with them: and he abode there two days. And many more believed because of his own word; And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard [him] ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.
(Joh 4:35-42)
And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and [his] disciples rebuked those that brought [them]. But when Jesus saw [it], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put [his] hands upon them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16)
We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please [his] neighbour for [his] good to edification. (Romans 15:1,2)
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) . . . Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. (1Timothy 3:2-5, 12)